Support Local Carlsbad Businesses

To support our local businesses, Carlsbad Food Tours has curated a Taste of Carlsbad Gift Box that features various Carlsbad food vendors.
- Support local small businesses in Carlsbad during COVID-19 shutdown
- Local businesses are owned and operated by your neighbors! They care about and our invested in the well-being of your community.
- Local businesses are more accountable to their local communities and donate more money to nonprofits.
- Supporting local businesses is good for the environment because they often have a smaller carbon footprint than larger companies.
- For every $100 you spend at local businesses, $68 will stay in the community.
- Small businesses employ 77 million Americans and accounted for 65% of all new jobs over the past 17 years.
- Locally owned businesses build strong communities by sustaining vibrant town centers, linking neighbors economically and socially.
- No car needed, your package will be home delivered
- Circle around your community, taking care of each other.
- Food from some of our favorite specialty shops
- Delicious food products
- Be Safe, Stay Home
- Shop Local
What to Expect
We got your back, Carlsbad! Helping Small Businesses Survive During COVID 19!
With our food tours on hold until our beloved city recovers, we wanted to find a way to still support our local restaurants and community.
Taste of Carlsbad Gift Box will feature a rotating mix of 5 unique Carlsbad food specialty shops.
Local Carlsbad Food Vendors Participants:
Humble Olive Oils
Gelato Love
Charter Oaks Preserve
Carlsbad Gourmet
Carlsbad Chocolate Bar
Chuao Chocolate
Park 101
It’s the best of Carlsbad all in one box.
Thank you for your support of this evolving project to support local small businesses!
- Humble Olive Oils Family Owned Business
- Charter Oaks Preserve Group
- Gelato Love Family
- Gelato Love
- Park 101
- Charter Oak Preserving
- Carlsbad Gourmet
- These are your neighbors!
Stay Home + Be Safe
+ Support Carlsbad’s Small Businesses
Each box supports 5 Carlsbad vendors at once, assisting people in our community most affected by COVID-19.
Have questions? Call: 760 215-9433
Our top priority is your health and safety.Stay safe & wash your hands!
Cherimarie Poulos
Founder and CEO
Give the Gift of good food with Carlsbad Food Tours Gift Certificates:
Carlsbad Food Tours is curating a Taste of Carlsbad Gift Box that features a rotating mix of various Carlsbad food vendors.
Humble Olive Oils
Tuscan Herb Olive Oil 2oz
18 year Traditional Balsamic Vinegar 2 oz
Charter Oaks Preserving Company
Hot Pepper Jelly
Carlsbad Gourmet
Strawberry Mustard
Carlsbad Chocolate Bar
Sea Salt Chocolates
Gelato Love
Strawberry Jam
Park 101
Mimosa Mix
Chuao Chocolate
Where to Meet
Stay home, we deliver to your home